Month: February 2021

11 min read time
ContentWhat Are the Assumptions of the Going Concern Concept?Qualified opinionAmendments under considerationConsideration of the Effects on the Auditor's ReportWhen Does a Company Perform a Going Concern Assessment?Going Concern Assumption: Fundamental Accrual Accounting PrincipleExamples of Going Concern ConceptLiquidation Valuation Method (“Fire Sale”)How a going concern qualification affects a business This revaluation may be used to price the ...
5 min read time
Plan which bills to pay and when and which invoices to collect first. Cash Flow Frog automatically analyzes your data and generates the forecast, and is always up-to-date. Our cash flow planner app takes all the guesswork out of how to grow and how to fund that growth. Cash is king, and to your business running strong, you need the best cash flow tool for planning and analysis. Cash Flow Frog lets you manage cash flow easily and takes just minutes ...
5 min read time
No particular accounting problems are created by using both costing methods--the variable costing method for internal reports and the absorption costing method for external reports. The adjustment from variable costing net operating income to absorption costing net operating income is a simple one that can be easily made at year-end. Practically speaking, absorption costing is required for external reports in United States and almost all over the ...