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MS Microsoft Windows 10 activator Torrent

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For those using our Windows 10 Professional edition installation disc uploaded for you here: (on this page – check the link) You’ll find that it’s pre-activated, and even so far it’s doing fine with auto-updates.

However, if at any time you see the “Activate windows” message in the lower right corner of the screen, just run the autopico program in the folder inside the rar file. you can download here. Use the free 7zip program to open the rar file and extract it folder or winrar or other program you can access.

Instructions are included – usually if you get an error like “file in use” etc, add the folder to the antivirus exceptions and you should be fine.

We also have versions of Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) from original Microsoft discs posted here for you and included an activator for you that just worked ok

Chess by Michael Rizzo


Seems a little quiet over here

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