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Windows 11 for .. Administrators Stokes Enterprise by PDF Jeff Torrent

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Windows 11 for Enterprise Administrators by Jeff Stokes .. PDF

Improve your enterprise management skills to unlock the full potential of Windows 11 Configure Azure Active Directory (AD) to enable cloud-based services Effortlessly maintain enterprise-level security using Windows 11’s built-in data loss prevention Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook Book Description Windows 11 brings a wealth of new security measures, customizability, and accessibility features that can help your business run more smoothly. However, without a proper introduction to this new version of Windows, it’s easy to miss the key improvements as well as the configuration options that enable a smooth migration to Windows 11.

Windows 11 for Enterprise Administrators helps you understand the installation process, configuration methods, deployment scenarios, and management strategies. You will explore configuring Remote Server Administration Tools for remote management of Windows Server and Azure Active Directory. This edition emphasizes the role of PowerShell in automating administrative tasks and its importance in managing Windows 11 and Windows Server. It also provides comprehensive insights into Windows 11 updates, including version 21H2 and 22H2, and compares them to Windows 10 to ensure your knowledge stays up to date with the latest improvements in the Windows ecosystem.

By the end of this book, you will be well versed in the important technologies and capabilities of Windows 11 and will be able to competently monitor and implement these attributes in your organization.

What you’ll learn Configure and harden PowerShell Explore advanced options for securing user account credentials Perform management tasks with the RSAT tool Explore EUC device models and their key considerations Effectively manage Windows 11 security Work with Azure AD and Intune management Apply the zero trust and defense-in-depth approach Who this book is for If you’re a system administrator and need to upgrade to Windows 11, this book is for you. If you’ve deployed and managed previous versions of Windows in the past, this book will help you relate, but you can also use it as a guide if Windows 11 is your first foray into system administration.

Table of Contents Windows 11 – Installation and Upgrade Introduction to PowerShell Configuration and Customization User Account Management Tools for Managing Windows 11 Device Management Access to Corporate Data in BYOD and CYOD Scenarios Windows 11 Security Advanced Configurations Changes in Windows 11 21H2 and 22H2 (Compared to Win 10)



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